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Meaning of ‘A snowball effect’ Idiom in English

A snowball effect


The idiom “a snowball effect" is used to describe a situation where something starts small but then grows rapidly and has a larger impact.

It suggests that a small event or action can lead to a chain reaction, much like a snowball rolling down a hill that picks up more snow and gets bigger and bigger.


Once the rumor started, it had a snowball effect, and everyone was talking about it.

Improving your time management skills can have a snowball effect on your productivity.

The popularity of the new social media app grew like a snowball effect, with more users joining every day.

The protest began with a few people, but it soon had a snowball effect, drawing in thousands of participants.

The environmental campaign started with just a few people, but it soon had a snowball effect, leading to significant policy changes.

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